
Hello! I will continually update this page with work examples for my professional portfolio. Feel free to reach out with any questions, my calendar is always live at that link.

Real Estate Investment Memo Slide Template

  • Download and read detail here
  • Created comprehensive PowerPoint template for clients to create effective real estate investment memos.
  • Template designed to be easily modified and repurposed to suit individual deal requirements.
  • Provided technical guidance for customizing the template, including leveraging PowerPoint features such as slide masters and layout guides.
  • Template designed with a structured flow, including sections such as:
  • Cover Page: With striking imagery and key project metrics.
  • Executive Summary: Offering an overview of the project, investment strategy, and submarket analysis.
  • Area Map with Competitive Overview: Presenting geographic and competitive context.
  • Property Highlights: Outlining specifics of the acquisition, team's experience, and financial strategy.
  • Transaction Summary: Detailing critical metrics associated with the deal.
  • Operational Assumptions: Explaining project specifics, feasibility, cost estimates, and anticipated timeline.
  • Timeline: Providing an overview of important historical and projected events.
  • Risks and Mitigants: Helping investors understand potential challenges and mitigation strategies.
  • Investor Partnership Summary: Outlining fee structures and costs of partnership.
  • Sponsor Overview: Showcasing the team's expertise and credibility.
  • Deal Team: Listing key players involved in the deal.
  • Post-Investment Expectations: Setting expectations for what investors should anticipate post-investment.
  • Appendix: Housing all additional information supplementing the primary presentation.
  • The goal is to create a compelling, comprehensive, and easily digestible pitch for potential investors, demonstrating the project's profitability, sustainability, and viability.
  • Templates also designed to incorporate visual elements, including graphics, charts, and images for enhanced comprehension.
  • Access to template downloads provided for client convenience.

Case Study: Law Office Rent-vs-Buy

See the blog post here, case study includes:

  • Downloads available: Full Excel file, final presentation and PowerPoint backup, original data room
  • Real-world, anonymized case study for office building rent-vs-buy analysis
  • Ideal for students practicing LBO modeling, potential clients seeking work examples, and professionals analyzing similar decisions
  • Includes fully functional financial model for long-term investment analysis
  • Analyzes a proposed $17.0M purchase price and compares it to renting over a 10-year period
  • Explores valuation methodologies for future partner entries and exits in the law practice
  • Provides recommendations on purchase price, returns, and tax-efficient transaction execution
  • Offers step-by-step analysis notes and highlights the importance of style in financial modeling

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