Building a Comprehensive Tax-Defaulted Auction Database: Progress, Challenges, and Invitation to Collaborate


A few weeks ago, I introduced my plans for creating a comprehensive tax lien database on my blog. You can check out the initial post here: Tax Default Intro. Since then, I have been busy building my consulting practice, which you can explore on my Upwork Profile. Nevertheless, I have been spending a few spare hours directing a couple freelancers who are aggregating a very interesting tax defaulted property auction dataset, backed straight by government source data. In this blog post, I will provide an update on the progress made, the challenges faced, and how you can contribute to this project.

How You Can Help

If you are an active tax lien investor, your expertise and feedback would be invaluable. Please take a look at the data I have gathered so far and let me know if anything is missing or could be improved. The download links are in the section just below. Even if you are not actively investing in tax liens, I would still love to connect with you. Feel free to book a chat with me through this link: Let's Chat. You could also consider joining one of my supporter tiers on this blog, but that won't be necessary if you just want to use the free tier to download the information below.

Download Data

I have uploaded two Excel files, which are works in progress, aiming to aggregate tax lien auction data from the most populous counties in every state (and DC). You can find more specific information on these files below:

  1. "James - Most Populous Counties - 4.24.23_1455.xlsx": This file aggregates data for the most populous counties in every state (and DC). Incomplete, but representative of the data I am pulling.
  2. "Doug - 2nd Most Populous Counties - 4.24.23_1455.xlsx": This file is being created by the freelancers I hired to gather similar data for the second-most populous counties in every state. Incomplete, but representative of the data I am pulling.

The downloads are immediately below - even free subscribers can continue reading, just make sure you sign up!

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